



Born, May 4, 1940, Bologna, Italy.
Married. One son.

Research fields: US intellectual and political history; history of political thought; political theory.

Education: Law Degree, University of Bologna, (1963), dissertation in Philosophy of Law; Diploma in American Studies, Johns Hopkins University Bologna Graduate Center (1965); Special graduate student, Department of History, University of Rochester, USA (1966-7); Libera docenza
(Italian Ph.d. equivalent), “History of Political Doctrines” (1972).

Career: Assistente ordinario (Tenured Assistant Professor), “History of Political Doctrines”, University of Bologna (1967-75); Professore incaricato (Associate Professor without tenure) “North American History”, University of Bologna (1969-75); Professor of “North American History”, University of Bologna, School of Political Sciences (1975-).

Current positions: Professor of “North American History”, School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy (1975 -); Chairman, “Department of Politics, Institutions, History”, University of Bologna (2001-); Member of the Board, “European Association of American Studies” (2002-), Member, “Academic Committee”, Europaeum Foundation, steered by Oxford University (2000-); Member, Editorial board, “RSA Journal” (1998-); Visiting Professor, Bologna Cooperative Studies Program (steered by Indiana University), (1997 -).

Previous positions: President, “Italian Association for North American Studies”, (1998-2001); Director, “M.a. in International Relations”, University of Bologna and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, (1998-2000); Member, “Scientific Board, Centro di Studi Americani, Rome (2000-2003); Member of the Board “Italian Association for North American Studies”, (1995-98); Director, “Preparatory Course for the Italian Foreign Service”, University of Bologna and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, (1990-97); Director: “Bologna Seminars: Italia-USA”, in cooperation with the Rome Fulbright Commission (1995-97); Member, “Committee on Scientific Research”, University of Bologna (1996-2000)”; Member, “International Studies Committee”, University of Bologna (1992-95); President, “Italian Committee for North American History”, various times during the 1980’s; President, “History and Politics Major”, School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna (1986-88); Editor, “Storia americana/ American History. A Journal of the Italian Committe for North American History” (1984-87); Vice-President, “Italian Association for North American Studies” (1982-85); Director, “Department of Politics, Institutions, History”, University of Bologna (1981-85); Director, “Institute of History and Politics”, School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna (1978-81).
Non academic activities: columnist on US affairs for the Rome daily “Il Messaggero”.


Selected publications: La guerra civile americana vista dall’Europa, ed. with Carlo Galli, Bologna, 2004; “Europa, Zeus e Minosse, ovvero il labirinto dei rapporti euro-americani”, Ricerche di storia politica, April 2004, pp. 3-24; “ ‘Not like us’: il controcanto americano all’antiamericanismo europeo”, in P.Craveri Quagliariello eds., L’antiamericanismo in itali a e in Europa nel secondo dopoguerra, Soneria Mannelli, 2004, pp 45-71; Riconoscimento ed esclusione. Forme storiche e dibattiti contemporanei, editor, Rome, 2003; “Creare un popolo. Le perplessità della modernità politica e la Rivoluzione americana”, in Raffella Gherardi, ed., Politica, consenso, legittimazione, Rome, 2002, pp. 123-139; La Dichiarazione di Indipendenza degli Stati Uniti d’America, ed. and transl., Venezia, 1999 (2nd edition, 2003); “Tradurre/tradire. The Declaration of Independence in the Italian Context”, Journal of American History, 85, 1999, n 4; “’Men, like Flowers and Roots, Being Transplanted Take after the Soil wherein they Grow’. Reflections on Alterity and Politics regarding the Origins of the United States of America”, in Pierre Savard and Brunello Vigezzi, eds., Multiculturalism and the History of International Relations from the 18th Century to the Present, Milano-Ottawa, 1999; “Dell’aria e del fuoco, della libertà e delle fazioni: pensare il nesso fra libertà e nazione con un occhio a James Madison”, Quaderni di scienza politica, VI, 1999, n. 3, pp.347-393; “Civic Nation and Ethnic Nation”, in Identities and Communities, Anna Krasteva ed., Sofia, 1998; “America as an Act of Faith? Charles Beard’s Historical Discourse”, in The Insular Dream. Obsession and Resistance. Proceedings of the 1994 Biennial Conference of the European Association of American Studies, Amsterdam, 1995; T.Bonazzi – M.Dunne, eds., Citizenship and Rights in Multicultural Societies, Keele UP, 1995; “F.J.Turner’s Frontier Thesis and the Self-consciousness of America”, Journal of American Studies, 27, 1993, n 3; “Un costituzionalismo rivoluzionario. Il ‘Demos basileus’ e la nascita degli Stati Uniti”, Filosofia Politica, 5, 1991, n 2; “Una logica della modernità europea: dall’Inghilterra agli Stati Uniti”, in Carlo Galli, ed., Logiche e crisi della modernità, Bologna, 1991; La Costituzione statunitense e il suo significato odierno, ed., Bologna, 1988; La rivoluzione americana, Bologna, 1986; “American History: The View from Italy”, Reviews in American History, 14, 1986, n. 4; Potere e nuova razionalità. Le scienze sociali in Germania e negli Stati Uniti fra Ottocento e Novecento, ed., Bologna, 1982; “Some Problems Concerning the Process of Growth and Modernization of the English Colonies in North America in Relation to the European Societies, in La Révolution Américaine et l’Europe, Paris, 1979; America-Europa. La circolazione delle idee, ed., Bologna, 1976; Strutture e metamorfosi della civiltà progressista, Venezia, 1974; Il sacro esperimento. Teologia e politica nell’America puritana, Bologna, 1970.