




I graduated from the University of Rome with a focus on the cultural and intellectual history of the Franco-Algerian War. During my PhD, carried out jointly between the Universities of Rome and Paris, I came to focus on contemporary social frames of memory, particularly regarding French veterans. In so doing I joined the Institut d’histoire du temps présent (Ihtp, Paris).

Following this, I held fellowships at École des hautes études en sciences sociale (Ehess, Paris), Maison méditerranéenne de sciences de l’homme (Mmsh, Aix-en-Provence), and Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle (Chs, Paris).

In 2015 I moved to Oxford as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Faculty of History, and I joined Trinity as Junior Research Fellow.

My research interests include: Twentieth-century France and the Mediterranean (especially focusing on Algeria and decolonization), history of representations and social uses of the past (memory studies, oral history and epistemology), critical theory and postcolonial studies (with a particular focus on the Mediterranean, and the relationships between France, Algeria, and Italy, in the past and in the present).



University Education


2011     PhD in History

Co-supervised PhD: Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italy) & Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre – Institut d’Histoire du Temps Présent (France)

Awarded on January 31th, 2011, with great distinction («félicitations»)


2005     M.A. in Modern History, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”

Awarded on July 13th, 2005, with star distinction (110/110 summa cum laude)




 a) Book:

2012     Soldati senza causa. Memorie della guerra d’Algeria (on French veterans of the Algerian War and contemporary France), Laterza, Roma-Bari 2012


b) Editor of scientific journal special issue:


2015     • ‘Classe’, special issue (on global labor & social conflicts history) of Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale 12 (2015), n. 37 (with Christian G. De Vito and Giulia Strippoli)

2014     • ‘Dopo il magnetofono. Fonti orali, storiografia, generazioni’, special issue (on    oral history) of Italia contemporanea, 40 (2014), n. 275 (with Alessandro Casellato)

2014  • ‘Movimenti nel Mediterraneo. Relazioni, scambi, conflitti’, special issue (on migration and socio-political mouvements in the Mediterranean) of Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 11 (2014), n. 33 (with Liliana Ellena)

2012     • ‘Made in Italy. Identità in migrazione’, special issue (on migrations and national identity in Italy) of Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 9 (2012), n. 28 (with Enrica Capussotti & Sabrina Marchetti)

2010     • ‘L’etnicizzazione del sociale. Politica, memoria, identità’, special issue (on the ethnicisation of social and political issues) of Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 7 (2010), n. 22 (with Silvia Cristofori)

2009     • ‘Stranieri ovunque. Kalé, manouches, rom, romanichels, sinti…’, special issue (on Roma people) of Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 7 (2009), n. 19 (with Gino Candreva)


c) Articles in scientific journals:


2015     • ‘Forum di storia orale a partire da un numero di «Italia contemporanea»’, with B. Bonomo et alii, Storiografia, 2015, n. 19, pp. 287-322 (on oral history, visual studies, digital humanities)

2015  • ‘Dentro il conflitto, oltre il lavoro?’, with Christian G. De Vito and Giulia Strippoli, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale 12 (2015), n. 37, pp. 2-7 (on global labor & social conflicts history)

2015  • ‘Algeria: la guerra d’indipendenza cinquanta anni dopo’, Passato e Presente. Rivista di storia contemporanea, 33 (2015), n. 94, pp. 159-185 (on the new historiography of the Algerian War)

2014     • ‘Voci per la storia. Fonti orali e storiografia’, with Alessandro Casellato, Italia contemporanea, 40 (2014), n. 275, pp. 215-216

2014  • ‘La piccola x: pluralità delle storie e tempo della modernità’, Storiografia, 18 (2014), n. 36, pp. 11-14 (on historiography and biography in the postcolonial time)

2014  • ‘Rovesciare la carta: giochi di scale’, with Liliana Ellena, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 11 (2014), n. 33, pp. 1-7 (on migration and socio-political mouvements in the Mediterranean)

2012     • ‘Le “saut du tigre dans le passé” des luttes anticoloniales. Mémoires de la révolte/Mémoires de l’oppression’, in M. Harbi & G. Meynier, eds., ‘Printemps        arabes: thawra(s) ou révolutions?’, Raison présente, 46 (2012), n. 182, pp. 33-39 (on Maghreb and Mashreq revolts)

2012  • ‘Identità… made in Italy’, with Enrica Capussotti & Sabrina Marchetti, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 9 (2012), n. 28, pp. 1-7 (on migrations and national identity in Italy)

2010     • ‘“Ottobre nero”. Algeria 1988’, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 8 (2010), n. 21, pp. 122–127 (on ‘Black October’, the 1988 Algerian youth revolt)

2010  • ‘A ciascuno il suo posto: cartografie dell’ossessione identitaria’, with Silvia Cristofori, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 7 (2010), n. 22, pp. 2-7 (on the ethnicisation of social and political issues)

2009     • ‘Il nemico interno. La guerra d’Algeria nel cinema francese’, Passato e Presente. Rivista di storia contemporanea, 27 (2009), n. 76, pp. 127-142 (on the French-Algerian war in French cinema)

2009 • ‘Stranieri ovunque. Su una corda tesa’, with Gino Candreva, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 7 (2009), n. 19, pp. 2-7 (on Roma people)

2008     • ‘La guerra d’Algeria nel discorso pubblico francese. Quaranta anni dopo (1962- 2002)’, Mondo Contemporaneo. Rivista di storia, 4 (2008), n. 10, pp. 67–93 (on the 40th   anniversary of Algerian independence in French press)

2007     • ‘L’ombra lunga della guerra. La riabilitazione del passato coloniale in Francia’,   Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 5 (2007), n. 12, pp. 114–121 (on the   presence of colonial past in contemporary France)

2006     • ‘Una storia di Stato? Leggi memoriali, religione civile, conflitto’, Studi Storici. Rivista trimestrale dell’Istituto Gramsci, 47 (2006), n. 2, pp. 405–422 (on history, memory and the    law)


d) Chapters in collective volumes:


2016     • ‘Per una narrazione polifonica dell’Algeria indipendente. Risorse e problematiche della storia orale’, ed. Alessandro Casellato, Buone pratiche di storia orale. Questioni etiche, deontologiche, giuridiche, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, forthcoming 2016 (on doing oral history in contemporary Algeria)

2016 • ‘Oral Histories and Postcolonial Memories. Towards a Multi-Vocal Narrative of the Algerian War for Independence’, in Decolonising the Mediterranean, ed. Gabriele Proglio, Cambridge Scholars Publishers, forthcoming 2016.

2015     • ‘Voir/ne pas voir l’Algérie. La gauche italienne et la lutte des Algériens’, Nouveaux régards sur la guerre d’Algérie. Cinquante ans après, eds. M. Bouaziz, A. Kadri & T. Quemeneur, Khartala, Paris 2015, pp. 331–338 (on Italian left and Algerians fight for independence)

2013     • ‘Il memoriale della guerra d’Algeria. L’uso politico di un conflitto senza fine, 1962–2012’, Lo spazio della storia. Studi per Vittorio Vidotto, eds. F. Bartolini, B. Bonomo & F. Socrate, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2013, pp. 456–472 (on parisian memory sites of the French-Algerian war)

2012     • ‘Postcolonial Memories of the Algerian War of Independence, 1955–2010. French Veterans and Contemporary France’, France and the Mediterranean, eds. E. Godin & N. Vince, Peter Lang, Oxford 2012, pp. 275–303

2010     • ‘Decolonising historical thought. “Towards a minor history”’, Minority Narratives and National Memory, eds. A. Døving & N. Schwaller, Unipub, HL-Senteret, Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, Oslo 2010, pp. 35–46

2008     • ‘Non réconciliés. Mémoires, Histoire, Conflit’, L’Histoire des minorités est-elle une histoire marginale?, eds. S. Laithier & V. Vilmain, Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris 2008, pp. 33–43 (on French debate about history, memory and the law)


e) Other publications:


2016     • ‘L’affaire Kamel Daoud’, Lo Straniero, 20 (2016), n. 193, pp. 24-31

2016 • ‘Una vita da falsario per le lotte di liberazione. Intervista con Adolfo Kaminsky’, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 14 (2016), n. 39, pp. 112-119 (with. T. Ottolini)

2015     • ‘René Vautier, Fanny Colonna: l’Algeria di ieri e quella di oggi’, Lo Straniero, 19 (2015), n. 179, pp. 71–77

2013     • ‘Il cinema, il presente, la storia. Intervista con Goffredo Fofi’, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 11 (2013), n. 31, pp. 116-123 (on cinema and history)

2013 • ‘Il cauto discorso di Hollande’, Lo Straniero, 17 (2013), n. 152, pp. 45–48 (on French President’s visit in             Algeria)

2012     • ‘Veterani’, Lo Straniero, 16 (2012), n. 150–151, pp. 102–108 (on French veterans of the Algerian war)


f) Translations (selected):


2013     • Ilham Khuri-Makdisi, ‘Migranti, lavoratori, anarchici. La costruzione della sinistra in Egitto, 1870-1914’, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 11 (2013), n. 33,      pp. 8-21 (with Liliana Ellena)

2013 • Emmanuel Blanchard, ‘Massacro coloniale alla Nazione. Parigi, 14 luglio 1953’, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 11 (2013), n. 33, pp. 22-39 (avec Liliana Ellena)

2013 • Natalya Vince, ‘“È la rivoluzione che le proteggerà”. Movimenti delle donne e “questione femminile” in Algeria e Tunisia’, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 11 (2013), n. 33, pp. 40-57 (with Liliana Ellena)

2013 • Michelle Zancarini-Fournel, ‘Il teppista e la ragazza col velo. Rivolte urbane e questioni di genere in Francia’, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 11           (2013), n. 32 (with Ferruccio Ricciardi)

2011     • Raphaëlle Branche, ‘Algeria 1956. La violenza nella terra’, Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 9 (2011), n. 26, pp. 8–25

2008     • Terry Eagleton, ‘Marxismo senza marxismo’, in J. Derrida et al., Marx & Sons, Mimesis, Milano 2008, pp. 93–100


g) Books, museums & documentary films reviews:


2016     • Natalya Vince, Our Fighting Sisters: Nation, memory and gender in Algeria, 1954-2012 (Manchester: Manchester UP, 2015), Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, forthcoming

2016 • Hélène Blais, Mirages de la carte (Paris: Fayard, 2014), Passato e Presente, forthcoming

2016 • Damien Caron, La Suisse et la guerre d’indépendance algérienne, 1954-1962 (Lausanne: Ed. Antipodes, 2013), Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 71 (2016), n. 1, pp. 293-295

2016 • Andrea Hajek, Negotiating Memories of Protest in Western Europe. The Case of Italy (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013), Italia Contemporanea, 42 (2016), n. 280, pp. 220-221

2015     • Philippe Joutard, Histoire et mémoires, conflits et alliance (Paris: La Découverte, 2013), and Fabrice d’Almeida & Denis Maréchal (eds.), L’histoire orale en questions (Paris: INA, 2013), Passato e Presente, 33 (2015), n. 95, pp. 151-154

2015 • Abderrahmane Bouchène, Jean-Pierre Peyroulou, Ouanassa Siari Tengour, Sylvie Thénault (eds.), Histoire de l’Algérie à la période coloniale 1830-1962 (Paris-Alger: La Découverte-Barzakh, 2012), Passato e Presente, 33 (2015), n. 94, pp. 159-161

2014     • Bruna Bagnato, L’Italia e la guerra d’Algeria (1954-1962) (Soveria Mannelli: Rubettino, 2012), Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 69 (2014), n. 3, pp. 837-839

2014 • Claire Mauss-Copeaux, La source. Mémoires d’un massacre: Oudjehane, 11 mai 1956 (Paris: Payot, 2013), Histoire@Politique. Revue électronique du Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po, 8 (2014), n. 24

2014 • Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (MuCEM), Il mestiere di storico, 6 (2014), n. 1, pp. 53-54

2013     • Bruno Bonomo, Voci della memoria. L’uso delle fonti orali nella ricerca storica (Roma: Carocci, 2013), Zapruder, 10 (2013), n. 32, p. 155

2013 • AaVv, Le libera ricerca di Cesare Bermani. Culture altre e mondo popolare nelle opere di un protagonista della storia militante (Roma: DeriveApprodi, 2012), Zapruder, 10 (2013), n. 32, p. 155

2013 • Emanuela Fornari, Linee di confine. Filosofia e postcolonialismo (Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2011), Zapruder, 10 (2013), n. 31, p. 156

2013 • Cesare Bermani, Giovanni Pirelli. Un autentico rivoluzionario (Pistoia: Centro di documentazione di Pistoia, 2011), Zapruder, 10 (2013), n. 31, p. 155

2011     • Claire Mauss-Copeaux, Algérie, 20 aout 1955. Insoumission, répression, massacres (Paris: Payot, 2011), Histoire@Politique. Revue électronique du Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po, 5 (2011), n. 14

2011 • Raphaëlle Branche, L’Embuscade de Palestro. Algérie 1956 (Paris: Armand Colin, 2010), Histoire@Politique. Revue électronique du Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po, 5 (2011), n. 13

2009     • Malek Bensmaïl, La Chine est encore loin, Unlimited/Cirta films/Ina, Algeria-Francia 2008, 118’, Notiziario Aiso, 2 (2009), n. 9

2009 • Ludivine Bantigny, Le plus bel âge? Jeunes et jeunesse en France de l’aube des “Trente Glorieuses” à la guerre d’Algérie (Paris: Fayard, 2007), Notiziario Aiso, 2 (2009), n. 8

2009 • John Chalcraft and Yaseen Noorani (eds.), Couterhegemony in the colony and postcolony (Basinstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), Zapruder, 7 (2009), n. 18, p. 154

2008     • Abdenour Zahzah e Bachir Ridouh, Frantz Fanon: The memories from the asylum, 53’, Anwar Cinéma, Algérie, 2008, Notiziario Aiso, 2 (2009), n. 6

2008 • Dalila Aït-El-Djoudi, La guerre d’Algérie vue par l’Aln 1954-1962. L’armée française sous le regard des combattants algériens (Paris: Autrement, 2007), Notiziario Aiso, 1 (2008), n. 4

2008 • Barbet Schroeder, L’avocat de la terreur, 135’, Wild Bunch, Yalla Films, 2007,Notiziario Aiso, 1 (2008), n. 3

2008 • Martin Evans, Mémoires de la guerre d’Algérie (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2007), Notiziario Aiso, 1 (2008), n. 2

2008 • Evelyn Schels, Und die Liebe Kommt später… Geschichte einer Einwandererfamilie in Frankreich, Germania 2007, TV, 90’, Notiziario Aiso, 1 (2008), n. 1

2008 • Jean-Pierre Lledo, Algérie, histoires à ne pas dire, 198’, Algeria-Francia 2007, Notiziario Aiso, 1 (2008), n. 1




Invited presentations to international peer-reviewed conferences (selected)


2016     • Institute for Mditerranean Studies (Rethymno, Grece), 19-29 September

Transregional Academy “De-Framing the Mediterranean from the 21st Century: Places, Routes, Actors”

2015     • Università di Trento (Italy), 13-14 November

‘Per una narrazione polifonica dell’Algeria indipendente. Risorse e problematiche della storia orale’, conference Buone pratiche di storia orale. Questioni etiche, deontologiche, giuridiche

2015 • Université Mentouri, Constantine (Algeria), 9-11 November

‘La « petite guerre » des Aurès-Nememcha. Expériences et mémoires des vétérans Algériens et Français’, conference Constantine et sa région dans le mouvement national et la guerre de libération

2014     • Université Hassiba Benbouali, Chlef (Algeria), 17-18 November

‘Giovanni Pirelli, passeur. Circulations révolutionnaires, ou l’antifascisme au présent’, conference Les amis de la révolution algérienne (1954-1962), processus d’une      mutation: de la conviction à l’action

2014 • Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelone (Spain), 9-12 July

‘Towards a Global Microhistory of the Algerian War for Independence. Oral History Approaches’, XVIII international Oral History Association Conference,      Power and Democracy: the many voices of Oral History

2014 • University College London (UK), 19-20 Juin

‘Experiences and Memory of French and Algerian Veterans. Remembering the petite guerre of the Aurès-Nememcha Mountains, conference The Violence of War. Experiences and Images of Conflict

2014     • Brown-Harvard University, Providence (Usa), 7-8 March

‘Forgetting the Anti-colonial Shift. The Italian Revolutionary Left and the Algerians’ Struggle for Independence’, conference Memories: Tradition and Revision, Amnesia and Retrieval

2013     • Université de Paris Est, 12–14 June

‘Giovanni Pirelli, passeur. La Résistance, la lutte des Algériens, et au de là…’, conference D’une révolution à l’autre. Histoire des circulations révolutionnaires

2012     • Université de Paris 8, 8–10 November

‘Voir/ne pas voir l’Algérie. La gauche italienne et la guerre d’indépendance algérienne’, conference Entre continuités et ruptures générationnelles: les recherches sur la guerre d’indépendance algérienne cinquante ans après

20120 • Université d’Oran (Algeria), 14–16 October

‘Deux autres rives de la Méditerranée. La gauche italienne et la lutte des Algériens’, Crasc-Cema conference, 1962, un monde/a world

2012     • University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 22–24 March

‘A third millennium memorial? French veterans and the impossible commemoration of the Franco-Algerian war. Fifty years after, 1962–2012’, 58th Conference of the Society for French Historical

2010     • University of Prague, 7–11 July

‘Violence in colonial warfare, French veterans and contemporary France’, 16th Ioha conference, Oral History, Memory and Meaning

2009     • University of Portsmouth (UK), 3–5 September:

‘Postcolonial memories of the Algerian War of Independence: French veterans and contemporary France’, 30th Conference of the Asmcf, France and the Mediterranean: Representations, Policy, Transnationalism

2008     • Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, Oslo, 15–16 May

‘Decolonizing historical thought. Towards a minor history’, conference How to Integrate Minority Narratives into National Memory?

2007     • École pratique des hautes études, Université de Paris 1, 21–22 May

‘Non réconciliés. Mémoires, Histoire, Conflit’, conference L’histoire des minorités est-elle une histoire marginale?



Invitations (selected)


2016     • Université de Paris X Nanterre, 4 February

‘Les mémoriaux de la guerre d’Independence en Algérie et en France’, guest lecturer, MA Montrer les violences extrêmes : Monuments, musées, mémoriaux directed by Annette Becker

2014     • Maison méditerranéenne de sciences de l’homme, Aix-en-Provence, 15 December

‘Après le magnétophone. Bilan de l’histoire orale italienne’, guest lecturer, MA Historiographie et Sciences Sociales, Épistémologie et Méthodologie directed by T. Glesener

2014 • Université de Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne, 8 December

‘L’enquête d’histoire orale dans l’Algérie contemporaine. Enjeux, méthodes, pratiques’, guest lecturer, MA Guerre et masculinité directed by Raphaëlle Branche

2014 • Lebanese University, Beirut, 27-28 Juin

‘Archives of memory and oral history’, two days training for International Organization for Migrations (Iom) Master in Psychosocial Support and Dialogue

2014     • Maison méditerranéenne de sciences de l’homme, Aix-en-Provence, 3 Juin

‘Histoire orale et mémoires postcoloniales. Notes pour une microhistoire globale de la guerre d’indépendance algérienne’, guest lecturer, LabexMed seminar

2013     • Maison méditerranéenne de sciences de l’homme, Aix-en-Provence, 10 December

Discussion of Histoire et mémoires, conflits et alliance by Philippe Joutard, with Maryline Crivello, Véronique Ginouves, Anne-Marie Granet, and Philippe Joutard

2013 • Biblioteca di storia moderna e contemporanea “Caetani”, Roma, 8 May

Discussion of Voci della memoria. L’uso delle fonti orali nella ricerca storica by Bruno Bonomo, with Emmanuel Betta, Alessandro Portelli, and Bruno Bonomo

2013 • Università di Roma Tre, 6 May

‘La “guerra d’Algeria” tra storia e memoria’, guest lecturer, MA Storia dei paesi islamici directed by Anna Bozzo

2013 • Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle, Université de Paris 1, 4 April

‘Soldats sans cause. Mémoires de la guerre d’Algérie’, guest lecturer, seminar Pour une histoire sociale del’Algérie colonisée directed by Emmanuel Blanchard & Sylvie            Thénault

2013 • Università di Napoli “Federico II”, 26 March

‘I veterani d’Algeria e la Francia contemporanea. Esperienze e memorie del contingente di leva’, guest lecturer, Seminari di storia contemporanea directed by Gia Caglioti, Gabriella Gribaudi, and Andrea Graziosi

2013 • Sovrintendenza archivistica della Toscana, Florence, 7 march

‘Tracce di colonia. Storia orale, soggettività, conflitto’, guest lecturer, Aiso workshop History and methodology of oral history

2013 • Università della Calabria, Rende, 30 January

‘Mémorie della guerra d’Algeria’, guest lecturer, workshop organised by Paolo Jedlowski Memorie dolorose degli europei

2011     • Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre, 17 March

‘Les “vétérans” d’Algérie. Mémoires, oublis, images’, guest lecturer, MA Violences, génocides, crimes de guerre, mémoires, oublis directed by Annette Becker

2009     • Università di Siena (Italy), 12-13 March

Paper on ‘The French-Algerian War and contemporary France. Citizenship, memories, conflicts’, National conference of PhD candidates in Modern History, Storie in corso IV