



Current position: Assistant Professor of Contemporary History, University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli


1987-1993 degree (cum laude) in American History, faculty of Political Science,
University of Turin
1994-1998 PhD in American History, University of Genoa (Il liberal militante. La
storiografia e l’impegno pubblico di A. M. Schlesinger Jr. tra anni trenta ed età kennediana – The Engaged Liberal. A.M. Schlesinger Jr.’s Historical Writing and Public Commitment from the late 30s to the Kennedy Era). Awarded: June 1998. Advisor: prof. Maurizio Vaudagna
1998-2000 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Political Studies, University of Turin

Research interests

My fields of inquiry are Euro-American relations since World War II, inter-American relations, modern Atlantic history, and history of post-war US liberalism.

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant – Modern Italian History, Università del Piemonte Orientale, 1998-2001

Teaching Assistant – US Diplomatic History, Università di Torino, 1999-2001

Lecturer – US History, Università del Piemonte Orientale, 2001-2003

Lecturer – Modern Italian History, Università del Piemonte Orientale, 2004-2005

Lecturer – US History, Università del Piemonte Orientale, 2005-2006

Grants and Awards

1995 Aquarone Prize (University of Rome III) for the best Italian thesis in American History

1996 Fulbright/Aquarone grantee, Department of History, Columbia University

1999 USIA Summer Seminars grantee, Boston College

2000 Fulbright Fellow, Department of History, Columbia University

2000-2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Political Studies, University of Turin

2003-2004 Research Fellow, Italian Academy for Advanced Studies, Columbia

2005-2006 Research Fellow, Fondazione Einaudi, Torino

2007 Arthur Schlesinger Fellow, FDR Presidential Library, Hyde Park (NY)

2012 Research Fellow, Center for European and Mediterranean Studies, New York

Currently I am a board member of CISPEA (Centro Interuniversitario di Storia e Politica Euro-Americana www.cispea.org) and AISNA (Associazione Italiana Studi Nord Americani www.aisna.net)
(updated: 02/2012)


Major Publications

* Lo storico nel suo labirinto. Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. tra storia, impegno civile e politica (The Historian in His Labyrinth. Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. and History, Public Commitment and Politics), Milan: Franco Angeli, 1999

* Europa e Stati Uniti secondo il New York Times. La corrispondenza estera di Anne O’Hare McCormick, 1920-1954 (Europe and the United States according to the New York Times: the foreign correspondence of Anne O’Hare McCormick, 1920-1954) Turin: Otto, 2001 (with F. Pinelli)

* Comunicare il passato (Communicating the Past), (editor, with Simone Cinotto), Turin: Harmattan Italia, 2004

* Defining the Atlantic Community. Culture, Intellectuals, and Policies in the Mid-20th Century (editor), New York: Routledge, 2010

* Translating America. The Circulation of Narratives, Commodities, and Ideas between Italy, Europe, and the United States (co-editor), Bern: Peter Lang, 2011

# “Divergenze Parallele. L’amministrazione Kennedy e il centrosinistra” (Parallel Disagreements. The Kennedy Administration and the Center-Left Coalition in Italy), Italia Contemporanea, 204, September 1996, pp. 471-495

# “The Age of Jackson. Premises, Nature and Impact of a Classic”, Storia della Storiografia/History of Historiography, 32, Fall 1997, pp. 99-116

# “Specialism, Presentism and the ‘Public Use of History’ in the Historical Profession: the Early Writings of A.M. Schlesinger Jr.”, in Maurizio Vaudagna, David K. Adams (eds.), Transatlantic Encounters. Public Uses and Misuses of History in Europe and the United States, Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2000

# “Gender and International History: Public and Private in Anne O’Hare McCormick’s Journalism (1921-1954)” in Alessandra Lorini et al., Public e Private in 20th-century Unitd States, Turin: Otto, 2003

# “Fear of a Nonwhite Planet. Clare Boothe Luce, Race, and American Foreign Policy” Prospects (29) 2004

# “L’America in Italia. La seconda guerra mondiale e l’occupazione in Oggi, 1950-1955” in Simone Cinotto, Marco Mariano (a cura di), Comunicare il Passato, Turin: Harmattan Italia, 2004 (The United States in Italy. World War II and the Memory of the Allies’ Occupation in Oggi, 1950-1955” in Simone Cinotto, Marco Mariano (editors), Comunicating the Past, Turin: Harmattan Italia, 2004)

# “The U.S. Discovers Europe. Life Magazine and the Invention of the Atlantic Community in the 1940s”, in The Place of Europe in American History, Turin: Otto, 2007

# “La costruzione della rete consolare sarda nelle Americhe, 1815-1860” (The Construction of the Consular Network of the Kindgom of Sardinia in the Americas, 1815-1860), Annali della Fondazione Einaudi, XL, 2007 (with Duccio Sacchi)

# “How Italy Became Atlantic. Henry Luce, Life and the Construction of the Atlantic Community in the 1940s” in Valérie Auburg, Gerard Bossuat, Giles Scott-Smith (editors), Communauté Européenne, Communauté Atlantique?, Paris, Soleb, 2008

# “Il Piemonte in America tra reastaurazione e integrazione nel mondo atlantico”, (Piedmont and the US between Restauration and Integration in the Atlantic World) Annali della Fondazione Einaudi, XLII, 2009

# “The Liberal Dilemma. Social Rights, Civil Rights, and the Cold War in the ‘Vital Center’ Liberalism,” in Alice Kessler Harris, Maurizio Vaudagna (eds.), Democracy and Social Rights in the ‘Two Wests’, Turin: Otto, 2009

# “Internationalism, Isolationism, and the Legacy of the Monroe Doctrine in the 20th Century,” Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 9, 1, March 2011