




Maria Elena Cavallaro

Via Mastro Giorgio n.8

00153 Rome, Italy

Telephone number +39 0645492803

Mobile +39 340 3725484






  • 2009- 2014 Assistant Professor, IMT, Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
  • Italian (native)
  • English (excellent fluency in speaking, reading, writing)
  • Spanish (excellent fluency in speaking, reading, writing)
  • French (only reading)
  • Portuguese (only reading)



Transitions to Democracy in Southern Europe, International Relations, History of European Integration, Cold War Studies


 2013 Visiting Scholar, Center for European and Mediterranean Studies (CEMS), New York University, Usa

2005-2009 Post Doctoral Fellow, IMT Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy


 2005 D, Comparative Political History, XIX and XX Century, University of Bologna. Dissertation on The role of European integration in Spain from the Franco dictatorship to the democratic transition (1950-1979)

2000 Laurea in Languages and Modern Literatures “University of L’Aquila, (summa cum laude). Dissertation on The rebuilding of the party system in Spain during the transition to democracy (1975- 1982)


2013-2014 Lecturer in History of European integration, Master’s degree in Public Policies, Luiss Guido Carli Rome (Postgraduate level) (10 h.)

2013-2014 Lecturer in History and Theory of European Union and Regional Integration, Luiss Guido Carli, Rome (undegraduate level) (48 h.)

2013-2014 Lecturer on the Process of Democratization in Southern Europe, IMT Lucca, (Postgraduate level) (12 h.)

 2012-2013 Lecturer in History of European integration, Master’s degree in Public Policies, Luiss Guido Carli Rome (Postgraduate level) (20 h.)

2012-2013 Lecturer in History of Contemporary Europe, LUISS Guido Carli University, Faculty of Political Science, Rome (Undergraduate level) (64 h.)

2012-2013 Lecturer in History of European integration, IMT Advanced Studies Lucca (Postgraduate level) (20 h.)

2011-2012 Lecturer in History of European integration, Master’s degree in Public Policies, Luiss Guido Carli Rome (Postgraduate level) (10 h.)

2011-2012 Lecturer in History of European integration, Master’s degree in European Studies, Luiss Guido Carli University, Rome (Postgraduate level) (10 h.)

2011-2012 Lecturer in History of European Transitions to democracy in Southern Europe, IMT Advanced Studies Lucca (Postgraduate level) (12 h.)

2010- 2011 Lecturer in History of Contemporary Europe, LUISS Guido Carli University, Faculty of Political Science, Rome (Undergraduate level) (48 h.)

2010-2011 Lecturer in Reserarch Design, IMT Advanced Studies Lucca (Postgraduate level) (10 h.)

2010-2009 Contemporary History Tutorial, IMT Advanced Studies Lucca (Postgraduate level) (20 h.)

2009-2010 Lecturer in History of Contemporary Europe, LUISS Guido Carli University, Faculty of Political Science, Rome (Undergraduate level) (48 h.)

2009-2010 Lecturer in Research Design, IMT Advanced Studies Lucca (Postgraduate level)( 10 h.)

2009-2010 Lecturer in International Relations and European Integration, IMT Advanced Studies Lucca (Postgraduate level) (20 h.)

2008-2009 Lecturer in Comparative History of European Political Systems, LUISS Guido Carli University, Faculty of Political Science, Rome (Undergraduate level) (48 h.)

2008-2009 Contemporary History Tutorial, IMT Advanced Studies Lucca (Postgraduate level) (20 h.)

2007-2008 Lecturer in Comparative History of European Political Systems, LUISS Guido Carli University, Faculty of Political Science, Rome (Undergraduate level) (64h.)

2007-2008 Lecturer in History of International Relations in the XX Century, Master’s degree in Political Theory, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome (Postgraduate level) (12 h.)

2007-2008 Lecturer in History of European Integration, Master’s degree in Public Policies LUISS Guido Carli University Rome (Postgraduate level) (10 h.)

2006-2007 Lecturer in History of European Integration, Master’s degree in Public Policies LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome (Postgraduate level) (10 h.)

2003-2004 Lecturer in History of International Relations in the XX Century, Master’s degree in Political Theory, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome (Postgraduate level) ( 10h)

SUPERVISION OF POST DOCTORAL FELLOWS From 01/03/2011 to 01/03/2014 Ph D Supervisor of Benedetto Zaccaria, title The EEC policy toward the Soviet bloc” Program &Cycle XXVI, IMT Advanced Sudies, Lucca, Italy.

From 15/03/2009 to 15/03/2012 Ph D Supervisor of Simona Losito, title Human Rights Dplomacy. Carter administration and the US foreign policy toward Brazil Program &Cycle XXIV, IMT Advanced Sudies, Lucca, Italy.

From 15/03/2008 to 15/03/2011 Ph D Supervisor of Ali Hedeyat, title Mobilizing activism a comparative analysis of the contemporary Right-Wing Extremists and Islamists in Germany Program & Cycle XXIII, IMT Advanced Sudies, Lucca, Italy.

From 15/03/2008 to 15/03/2011 Ph D Supervisor of Carlo Cirulli, title Soveregnty in the EU: new roots for democracy Program & Cycle XXIII, IMT Advanced Sudies, Lucca, Italy.

From 15/03/2008 to 15/03/2011 Ph D Supervisor of Fabiana Sacchetti, title Socioeconomic and political transitions in Marocco between Foreign Aid and Domestic activism: a model for change? Program & Cycle XXIII, IMT Advanced Sudies, Lucca, Italy.



2013- she joined the international research group on the “Historia del PSOE: construcción del partido y reformismo democrático 1976-1990” coordinated by professor A. Mateos Lopez, UNED, Madrid, Spain. The project (2012-2015) is financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economics (Project reference har 2012- 34132)

2010- she joined the Spanish research group of the Centre of Historigraphic Research of Spanish Democracy ( UNED- CIHDE), Madrid, Spain.

2000-2012 she has been carrying out her research activity within the Centre of Transition Studies in the University Luiss Guido Carli in Rome (ICETS). Her main research areas are the process of transition to democracy in Southern Europe; the process of European integration; and the interaction between transition to democracy and external factors.

2006-2010 she joined the research project on “the role of political leadership during the Eighties”. In particular, her focus was devoted to the role played by the leadership of Felipe González in the reshaping of the Spanish socialist party (PSOE) after the death of General Franco.

2003-2012 she joined the editorial staff of the Dictionary of European integration coordinated by Istituto di Studi sul Federalismo, Turin; Luiss Guido Carli Rome; and Istituto Universitario Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples.


 2014 (Modena, Italy) member of the Scientific Committee of the 45 Annual Conference of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia

 2014 (Lucca, Italy) The legacy of Margaret Thatcher, IMT Advanced Studies ( 4-5 April)

 2011 (Lucca, Italy) European Political Cultures, Parties and the European Integration Process, IMT Advanced Studies, Lucca, (11-12 November)

 2010 (Rome, Italy) Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueologia Antifranchismo e antifascismo dopo il franchismo e il fascismo. Uso pubblico del passato in Italia e Spagna (7-8-May)



 2014 she joined the Board of Professors of the PHD Program in “Political theory, political science and political history”, Luiss Guido Carli, Rome


 2004-2013 member of the Editorial Board of the journal “XXI Secolo”, Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli, Italy.

2010-2113 member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Spagna Contemporanea”, Edizioni Dell’Orso, Turin, Italy.

regular contributor to the Italian journal: “Ricerche di Storia Politica”, Il Mulino, Bologna.

regular contributor to the Spanish journal: “Espacio, Tiempo y Forma”, Uned, Madrid; “Historia del Presente”, CHIDE, Madrid.

Acting as a regular reviewer for: “Ricerche di Storia Politica”, “Spagna Contemporanea”, “XXI Secolo”, “Polo Sud”, “Historia del Presente”, “Historia y Política”, “Contemporary European History”



Italia e Spagna nel processo di integrazione europea (1950-1992), (edited by) M.E.Cavallaro e Guido Levi, Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli, 2013, pp.7-316, ISBN 9788849838886

 La Spagna oltre l’ostacolo. La transizione alla democrazia: storia di un successo, Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli, 2012, pp. 7-217, ISBN 9788849836202

El papel del europeismo español desde el tardofranquismo hasta la transición democrática (1950-1979), Editorial Silex, Madrid, 2009, pp.7-327, ISBN 9788477372165

 Journal articles and Book chapters

 The Psoe europeanism from an antifronchoist choice to the socialdemocratic transformation of the Party (1977-1992) in A.Varsori, G.Orsina “European Political Cultures and Parties and the European integration process (1945-1992)” , Peter Lang, Bruxelles, ( in press)

La Francia di Giscard d’Estaing da madrina ad ostacolo dell’integrazione della Spagna in Europa, in M. Elena Cavallaro, Guido Levi (edited by), “Spagna e Italia nel processo di integrazione europea1950-1992” pp. 99-121, ISBN 9788849838886

La conquista di Felipe González nel PSOE in G. Orsina (edited by), “Leadership e culture politiche nell’Europa degli anni Ottanta”, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2012, pp. 473-504, ISBN 9788849834796

La transizione spagnola un processo dalle origini di lungo periodo, in Spagna Contemporanea, Edizioni Dell’Orso, Torino, n.38/2011, pp. 189-200, ISSN 1121-7480

El uso público comparado del antifascismo y del antifranquismo en Italia y España (Maria Elena Cavallaro, Abdon Mateos edited by) in “Historia del Presente”, Eneida, Madrid, n.15/2010, pp. 155-168, ISSN 1579-8135

Le transizioni mediterranee e il declino del modello continentale (Maria Elena Cavallaro e Gaetano Quagliariello) in Maria Elena Cavallaro (edited by), “Per una storia comparata delle transizioni europee: Francia, Spagna e Italia”. Ventunesimo Secolo. Rivista di Studi sulle Transizioni, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, n.23/ 2010, pp. 9-31, ISSN 1594-3755

The spanish European Integration. The first steps of a long journey in M. Affinito, G.Migani, C.Wenkel (edited by), “Les deux Europes.The two Europes”, Peter Lang, Bruxelles, 2009, pp. 149-163, ISBN 9789052014814

Europeismo e opposizione democratica dal franchismo alla transizione democratica, in A.Botti e M. Guderzo (edited by), “L’ultimo franchismo tra repressione e premesse della transizione (1968- 1975)”, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2009, pp.173-188, ISBN 9788849824025

Dal franchismo alla democrazia: l’europeismo anello di congiunzione tra politica interna e politica estera, in A. Botti (edited by), Le patrie degli spagnoli, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2008, pp.177-197, ISBN 9788842497950

L’unione europea occidentale: una parentesi o un passo in avanti nel processo di costruzione europea? in M. Elena Cavallaro (edited by), A Cinquant’anni dai Trattati di Roma, numero monografico di XXI Secolo. Rivista di studi sulle transizioni, n.14, 2007 Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2007, pp. 9-44 ISSN 1594-3755

La Transizione pactada nella bibliografia degli ultimi vent’anni, in “Ricerche di Storia Politica” n.1/2001, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001, pp.59-71, ISBN 8815080341

El europeismo y la oposición desde el franquismo hasta la transición democrática in R. Quirosa (edited by) Historia de la Transición, Editorial Biblioteca Nueva Madrid, 2007, pp. 381-394, ISBN 9788497427135

La integración europea de España: los organismos internacionales y los debates políticos en las Cortes (1977- 1979) in C. T. Powell y J. C. Jimenéz (edited by) Del autoritarismo a la democracia. Estudios de Política Exterior, Silex, Madrid 2007, pp.143-158, ISBN 9788477371977

Las raices del consenso europeista de la España democrática in A. Mateos (edited by), La España del presente. De la Dictadura a la Democracia, UNED, Madrid, 2007, pp.103-115, ISBN 8461108795

L’evoluzione dell’antiamericanismo nel Psoe durante la transizione democratica, in P. Craveri e G. Quagliariello (edited by), L’antiamericanismo in Italia e in Europa nel secondo dopoguerra, Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli, 2004, pp.519-538, ISBN 9788849806328