
BINI Elisabetta



Elisabetta Bini earned her B.A. in American history from the University of Bologna, with a thesis on “Le donne negli Stati Uniti degli anni Cinquanta: Betty Friedan e la storiografia.” After working as an archivist for the photo agency Magnum Photos in Paris, she attended a Ph.D. program in history at New York University, where she wrote a dissertation titled “Fueling the Cold War: Oil, Economic Development and Consumption in the Mediterranean, 1945-1973.” She is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Trieste, where she is working on a project titled “Between Oil and Nuclear Power: the United States and Italy’s Energy Policies during the Cold War.” Funded by the University of Trieste and by Elettra Sincrotrone S.C.p.A., the project is part of a research group which examines the history of Italy’s nuclear history from an international and comparative perspective. Before moving to the University of Trieste, she was a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Institute, and a Research Fellow at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Italia contemporanea,” and has been a member of the Editorial Boards of “Genesis. Rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche” and “900. Per una storia del tempo presente”. Between 2009 and 2012 she was part of the Board of Directors of the Società Italiana delle Storiche.



– La potente benzina italiana. Guerra fredda e consumi di massa tra Italia, Stati Uniti e Terzo mondo (1945-1973) (Rome: Carocci, 2013).

– Fueling the Cold War: Oil, Development and Consumption in the Mediterranean, 1945-1973, book manuscript in progress.

– Comprare per credere. La pubblicità in Italia dalla belle époque a oggi, in preparation (Rome: Carocci, 2015) (with Ferdinando Fasce and Bianca Gaudenzi).


– Oil Shock: The Crisis of 1973 and its Economic Legacy, in preparation (London: I.B. Tauris, 2015) (with Federico Romero and Giuliano Garavini).

– “La fine del petrolio. Risorse energetiche e democrazia nella storia contemporanea,” special issue of 900. Per una storia del tempo presente, 4 (2011) (with Simone Selva).

– “Attraversare i confini. Pratiche culturali e politiche del femminismo italiano (anni ’70 e ’80),” special issue of Genesis 10, no.2 (2011) (with Teresa Bertilotti and Catia Papa).

– “Femminismi senza frontiere,” special issue of Genesis 8, no.2 (2009) (with Arnaldo Testi).


– “Fueling Modernization in a Transatlantic World: Oil, Development and Consumption in ENI’sPolicies, 1953-1962,” in Alain Beltran, Eric Boussière and Giuliano Garavini (eds.), Europe and Energy from the 1960s to the 1980s (Brussels: Peter Lang, forthcoming).

– “Irresistible Empire or Innocents Abroad? The Role of American Advertising Agencies in Postwar Italy,” Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, forthcoming (with Ferdinando Fasce).

– “Drawing a Global Color Line: ‘The American Negro Exhibit’ at the 1900 Paris Exposition,” in Guido Abbattista, ed., Moving Bodies, Displaying Nations: National Cultures, Race, Gender in World Exhibitions, Nineteenth to Twenty-first Century (Trieste: EUT, 2014): 39-66.

– “A Transatlantic Shock: Italy’s Energy Politics between the Mediterranean and the EEC, 1967- 1974,” Historical Social Research, 4 (2014): 145-164.

– “Eni, Mattei and Boldrini: A Radical Response to the Challenges of Developing International Energy Expertise,” in Phyl Andrews and Jim Playfoot, eds., Education and Training for the Oil and Gas Industry: Vol.1 (London: Elsevier, 2014): 1-16.

– “Interessi petroliferi internazionali e classi dirigenti nella Libia contemporanea,” in Leonardo Paggi, ed., Le radici delle trasformazioni del mondo arabo (Verona: Ombre Corte, 2014): 68-83.

– “Gli spazi del margine. Storia della sessualità e studi lgbtiq in una prospettiva interdisciplinare,” La camera blu. Rivista di studi di genere, 9 (2013): 3-19.

– “Imprese pubbliche e consumi di massa. Il caso dell’ENI (1953-1973),” in Stefano Cavazza, ed., Consumi e politica nell’Italia repubblicana (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2013): 49-76.

– “Dal Fronte Popolare al femminismo della seconda ondata. Betty Friedan e la mistica della femminilità,” in Pier Paolo Poggio, ed., Il capitalismo americano e i suoi critici (Milano: Jaca Books, 2013): 301-316.

– “From Colony to Oil Producer: Oil Workers, Trade Unions and the Emergence of Oil Nationalism in Libya, 1956-1969,” Max Weber Programme Working Paper, European University Institute, December 2012.

– “Selling Gasoline With a Smile: Gas Station Attendants between the United States, Italy and the Third World, 1955-1970,” International Labor and Working-Class History, 81, no.1 (2012): 69-93.

– “La storia delle donne e di genere negli Stati Uniti in una prospettiva inter-generazionale,” Genesis, 10, no.2 (2011): 191-202.

– “La questione della leadership nei movimenti inter/transnazionali delle donne,” Contemporanea 14, no.2 (2011): 293-301.

– “The Origins and Early Developments of Public Relations in Italy, 1945-1960.” Journal of Communication Management, 15, no.3 (2011): 210-222 (with Ferdinando Fasce and Toni Muzi Falconi).

– “La democrazia dei consumi tra Italia e Stati Uniti: genere, cittadinanza, motorizzazione di massa nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra,” in Stefano Cavazza and Emanuela Scarpellini, eds. La rivoluzione dei consumi. Società di massa e benessere in Europa, 1945-2000 (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2010): 183-219.

– “Le pétroleuses: corpi di donne in rivolta,” Genesis 5, no.2 (2006): 189-217.

– “Fotografia e diplomazia culturale: il caso della United States Information Agency (USIA) durante la guerra fredda,” Contemporanea 9, no.1 (2006): 99-114.

– “Dal fascismo alla democrazia: interpretazioni americane delle relazioni di genere nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra,” Genesis 3, no.1 (2005): 23-44.

– “Cultura dei consumi e cittadinanza delle donne nel recente dibattito storiografico,” Ricerche di Storia Politica 7, no.2 (2004): 227-244.

– “Uno spaccato di storiografia di genere negli anni ’50: il caso degli Usa,” Contemporanea 6, no.1 (2003): 191-202.

– “La critica sociale negli Stati Uniti degli anni ’50: Betty Friedan e La mistica della femminilità,” Italia Contemporanea 227, no.1 (2002): 261-276.

– “Genere, consumi, comportamenti negli anni Cinquanta. Italia e Stati Uniti a confronto.” Italia Contemporanea 224, no.3 (2001): 389-390 (with Elisabetta Vezzosi).

– “Donne e consumi nei sobborghi americani degli anni Cinquanta.” Italia Contemporanea 224, no.3 (2001): 390-396.