Institute of Historical Research, London
Modern Italian History Seminar Series
Autumn Term 2016-2017
Conveners: Ilaria Favretto (Kingston), Carlotta Ferrara degli Uberti (UCL), Maurizio Isabella (QMUL), Axel Körner (UCL), Carl Levy (Goldsmiths).
All meetings will take place on Wednesdays at 5:30, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House (Malet St, London, WC1E 7HU), unless otherwise stated (for room details, see the list of events below). For updated information see
26 October 2016
Arianna Arisi Rota (University of Pavia)
‘The Year of Living Dangerously? 1869 and the Difficult Way out of the Risorgimento’
Chair: Maurizio Isabella
Venue: Past & Present room, 202 (IHR)