Waging War and Making Peace
Online Ca' Foscari, Palazzo Cosulich, Dorsoduro 1405, Venezia, ItaliaEuropean Ways of Inciting and Containing Armed Conflict, 1648–2020
11th Annual Symposium of the Research Network on the History of the Idea of Europe
24 June – 3 July 2020
The history of Europe is as much about violence and divisions – including religious wars, national clashes and ideological conflicts – as it is about shared cultural, social and economic accomplishments. What, if anything, can be regarded as ‘typically European’ in ideas of war and peace that referred to, or originated within, Europe and its space? In our conference discussion, we will try to find out whether there are long-term patterns of ‘Europe’-related discourses concerning peace and war, and if so, what they consist of.
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice - Venice Foundation for Research on Peace - Institute for the Study of Ideas of Europe - University of East Anglia
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