
ENNAS Giorgio



Giorgio Ennas è borsista post-dottorato presso l’Università di Utrecht (UUNL). I suoi campi di interesse sono la storia della conoscenza, della diplomazia e della medicina nel Mediterraneo durante il “lungo” XIX e XX secolo, con particolare riferimento alle relazioni tra l’Impero Ottomano e i Paesi europei nell’area balcanica e nel Nord Africa, in particolare con l’Italia e la Svizzera.

Tra il 2017 e il 2021 è stato ricercatore presso l’Istituto Universitario Europeo di Fiesole (IUE). Nel giugno 2021 ha difeso la sua tesi di dottorato in lingua inglese dal titolo The Mediterranean Mirror. Italo-Ottoman Relations in an Age of Transition, 1856-1871. Tra le sue pubblicazioni figurano gli articoli “Connecting the Two Seas: Negotiating an International Modus Vivendi – Italian and Ottoman Diplomacies in the Suez-Red Sea Area”, “Negotiating Protection. The Inclusion of Ottoman-Swiss Relations in the Diplomatic Germansphere during the First World War”, e il volume Reports of Cesare Durando Italian Vice-Consul in Sarajevo (1863-1867).

Tra il 2021 e il 2023 ha lavorato come Principal Investigator (PI) di un progetto biennale intitolato Pandemics and Borders. Pandemics as Driver towards Modern Borders and International Collaboration in the 19th century Mediterranean and South Eastern European Periphery finanziato dalla Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS)(https://snis.ch/projects/study-aims-to-investigate-the-nature-scale-and-root-causes-of-missed-opportunities-for-the-detection-and-referral-of-vawg-in-primary-care-and-emergency-departments-in-tirana-albania-and-belo-horizon/). Tra il 2023 e il 2024 ha lavorato come PI di un progetto annuale finanziato dalla Giunta Centrale per gli Studi Storici (GCSS) di Roma, dal titolo La professione di console. Cesare Durando e la professionalizzazione della carriera consolare della destra storica, 1863-1876. Dal settembre 2024 lavora come ricercatore postdoc all’Università di Utrecht (UUNL) nel progetto ERC Cooperation 2024-2029 guidato dal Prof. Ozan Ozavci (UUNL)(https://www.uu.nl/en/news/erc-consolidator-grant-for-dr-ozan-ozavci).

Giorgio Ennas is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Utrecht (UUNL). His fields of interest are the history of knowledge, diplomacy and health in the Mediterranean during the ‘long’ nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with particular reference to the relations between the Ottoman Empire and the European countries in the Balkan area and in North Africa, particularly with Italy and Switzerland. 

Between 2017 and 2021, he was a researcher at the European University Institute in Fiesole (EUI). In June 2021, he successfully defended his dissertation entitled ‘The Mediterranean Mirror. Italo-Ottoman Relations in an Age of Transition, 1856-1871’. Among his publications are, the articles ‘Connecting the Two Seas: Negotiating an International Modus Vivendi – Italian and Ottoman Diplomacies in the Suez-Red Sea Area’, ‘Negotiating Protection. The Inclusion of Ottoman-Swiss Relations in the Diplomatic Germansphere during the First World War’, and the volume Reports of Cesare Durando Italian Vice-Consul in Sarajevo (1863-1867)

Between 2021 and 2023, he has worked as the Principal Investigator (PI) of a two-year project entitled Pandemics and Borders. Pandemics as Driver towards Modern Borders and International Collaboration in 19th century Mediterranean and South Eastern European Periphery funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) (https://snis.ch/projects/study-aims-to-investigate-the-nature-scale-and-root-causes-of-missed-opportunities-for-the-detection-and-referral-of-vawg-in-primary-care-and-emergency-departments-in-tirana-albania-and-belo-horizon/). Between 2023 and 2024, he worked as PI of a one-year project funded by the Giunta Centrale per gli Studi Storici (GCSS) of Rome, entitled The Profession of Consul. Cesare Durando and the Professionalisation of the Consular Career of the Historic Right, 1863-1876. Since September 2024, he works as postdoctoral fellow at the University of Utrecht (UUNL) in the ERC Cooperation 2024-2029 project led by Prof. Ozan Ozavci (UUNL) (https://www.uu.nl/en/news/erc-consolidator-grant-for-dr-ozan-ozavci).




Italo-Ottoman Relations in the Age of the Congress of Paris: Mirroring the ‘Other’, 1856-1871’, Bloomsbury, London, forthcoming in 2025.

Chapters for edited volumes

‘The Franco-Prussian War and the Ottoman Adoption of Realpolitik’, in Karine Varley (ed.), The Franco-Prussian War. Turning-Points in European Experiences and Perceptions of Military Conflict, Routledge, London-New York, June 2024, pp. 40-53.

‘Global Criminal Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean. Illicit connections between Constantinople, the Italian peninsula and New York (1855-1861)’, edited by Erik Blackthorne-O’Barr and Burhan Çaglar, Levantines of the Ottoman World: Communities, Identities, and Cultures, Ibn Haldun University Press, Adapazari, 2024, pp. 65-93.

‘Negotiating Protection. The Inclusion of Ottoman-Swiss Relations in the Diplomatic Germansphere during the First World War’, edited by Elife Biçer-Deveci and Ulrich Brandenburg, The Ottoman Empire and the ‘Germansphere’ in the Age of Imperialism, Comparativ, 2022, pp. 349-363.

Confine sanitario o nazionale? L’influenza delle epidemie nell’emergere dei nazionalismi balcanici’, in Malattie e Società [Sanitary or national border? The influence of epidemics in the emergence of Balkan nationalisms], edited by Francesco Cutolo and Costanza Bonelli, Farestoria, Rivista dell’Istituto Storico della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea, 2021, pp. 33-50.

“Non una di queste proposte fu messa in esecuzione.” Sarajevo e l’epidemia di colera del 1866’ [“Not one of these proposals was implemented”. Sarajevo and the cholera epidemic of 1866], in Il filo sottile tra stato di emergenza, limitazione delle libertà e consenso, edited by Idamaria Fusco and Gaetano Sabatini, RiMeRivista dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea, 2021, pp. 275-293.

‘Connecting the two seas. Italian and Ottoman diplomacies in the Suez-Red Sea area’, in Italy and the Suez Canal. A Mediterranean history, from the mid-Nineteenth century to the Cold War, edited by B. Curli, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp. 247-260.

Peer- review journal publications

‘Borders and Contagion. Ottoman Administration of Bosnia between Border Reinforcement and Health Protection (1866-1867)’, Historical Searches / Historijska traganja, 22, 2023, pp. 91-122 (https://iis.unsa.ba/wp-content/uploads/Giorgio-Ennas_HT_2023_online.pdf).

‘Between Diplomacy and Scientific Knowledge: The Work of the Delimitation Commission for Montenegro, 1879-1881’, in “Drawing the Line”: Border Commissions in Eastern Europe, edited by S. Rindlisbacher, L. Gatejel and N. Baron, Journal of Modern European History, 2023.

Tra rivoluzione e diplomazia. Giacomo Durando e lo sviluppo della politica estera sardo-italiana nel Mediterraneo orientale, 1856-1862’ [Between Revolution and Diplomacy. Giacomo Durando and the Development of Sardinian-Italian Foreign Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1856-1862], in Rassegna Storica del Risorgimento, Anno 110, Fascicolo 1/2023, Gennaio-Giugno 2023, pp. 56-81.

‘‘Dans l’intérêt de la Santé Publique de l’Empire’. The Ottoman Consuls during the Cholera Epidemic of 1867’, in Euras Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3, Istanbul, 2022, pp. 225-244 (https://ejoss.euras-edu.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/EJOSS-Ekim-2022.pdf).

‘The Birth of the Ottoman Colonial Space. The Libyan Case (1835-1918)’, Proposte e Ricerche n. 77. Economia e società nella storia dell’Italia centrale. Anno XXXIX – estate/autunno 2016, Macerata EUM, edizioni Università di Macerata, pp. 43-65.

Collections of unedited documents

Giorgio Ennas (ed.), ‘Reports of Cesare Durando Italian vice-consul in Sarajevo (1863-1867). Accaparrarne gli animi per il nostro interesse’, The Isis Press, Istanbul, 2020, ISBN: 978-975-428-639-7.

Chapters for monographs

Preface for the volume entitled The Italian Consulate in Saigon. The Making of Diplomatic Representation in Colonial Era (1856-1941), by Christopher Denis-Delacour, printed by the Consulate of Italy in Saigon, forthcoming in September 2024.

Conference proceedings:

Arte epidemica. Rappresentazioni italo-ottomane degli scenari epidemici e delle “misure sanitarie moderne” nel tardo Impero ottomano’ [Epidemic art. Italo-Ottoman representations of epidemic scenarios and ‘modern sanitary measures’ in the late Ottoman Empire], with Dr. des. Giulia Bei, forthcoming in From Dante to the Present Day: disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics in language, literature and cultureforthcoming in a volume edited by the University of Split, 2024.

Musa Toprak-Consuelo Emilj Malara-Giorgio Ennas (eds.), ‘Italo-Ottoman Conversations. A Shared Pathway’, CasaItalia, Ankara, 2023, ISBN: 978-605-74913-4-3.