
CARNAGHI Benedetta



Benedetta Carnaghi is a British Academy Newton International Fellow at Durham University in the UK, where she is researching a project entitled “Making Fun of the Fascists: Humor Against the Leader Cult in Italy, France, and Germany, 1922–1945.” This is a study of how humor was used as an instrument of political resistance against dictators in Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Vichy France. Benedetta was previously an Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow at University College Dublin and a visiting lecturer at the John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines at Cornell University. She earned her doctorate in History from Cornell (2021), winning the Messenger-Chalmers Prize for the Best Dissertation on Human Progress & the Evolution of Civilization and publishing material from it in the Journal of Modern Italian Studies, S:I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation, and The Space Between: Literature and Culture 1914-1945. She has two Masters of Arts in Contemporary History from the Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne University (2012 and 2013), an additional diploma from the excellence program of the École normale supérieure in Paris (2015), and a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Padua, Italy (2011).


Edited Volumes

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles & Contributions to Edited Volumes

  • With Michelle Crow, Tamar Gutfeld, Leigh York, and Tracy Hamler Carrick: “Graduate Writing Support amid Crisis: Write Together at Home.” In Alvarez, Sara P. Yana Kuchirko. Mark McBeth. Meghmala Tarafdar. Missy Watson (eds.) Literacy and Learning in Times of Crisis: Emergent Teaching Through Emergencies. New York: Peter Lang, 2022: 275-298.
  • Devenir traîtres professionnels au cœur des réseaux résistants et de l’antifascisme en exil. Une histoire de faiblesse(“Professional Traitors at the Heart of the Resistance at Home and in Exile: A Story of Weakness”), Cahiers d’Agora : revue en humanité, Issue 6, “Le traître en politique: profils, parcours et perception,” December 2021. URL:https://cyagora.cyu.fr/version-francaise/cahiers-dagora-revue-en-humanites/11-devenir-traitres-professionnels-au-coeur-des-reseaux-resistants-et-de-lantifascisme-en-exil-une-histoire-de-faiblesse
  • Postfazione (Afterward), La nascita di una biografia, una testimonianza intellettuale (“The birth of a biography, an intellectual testimony”) in Frank Rosengarten. Silvio Trentin dall’interventismo alla Resistenza (“Silvio Trentin from interventionism to the Resistance”). Città di Castello (Perugia): Ronzani, 2021: 325-334.
  • “Mussolini’s Four Would-be Assassins: Emergency Politics and the Consolidation of Fascist Power.Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 27:1 (2022), published online on September 8, 2021. URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/1354571X.2021.1950340
  • “Betraying Your Own: Jewish Spies and the Deportation of Jews during the Second World War.” S:I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation, Vol 7 No 2 (2020): 50-65. URL: https://simon.vwi.ac.at/index.php/simon/article/view/169
  • With Guillaume Pollack and Vincent Houle: “Frontières. Circulations, vie quotidienne, illégalités. Introduction.” Les Cahiers Sirice 2019/1 (No 22): 5-14. URL: https://www.cairn.info/revue-les-cahiers-sirice-2019-1-page-5.htm
  • With Guillaume Pollack and Vincent Houle: “Borders. Circulations, daily life, illegalities. Introduction.” Les Cahiers Sirice 2019/1 (No 22): 5a-14a. URL: https://www.cairn.info/revue-les-cahiers-sirice-2019-1-page-5a.htm
  • “Herr Himmler’s Agents.” Hoover Digest 2019, No. 1: 176-189. URL: https://www.hoover.org/research/herr-himmlers-agents
  • “Three Layers of Ambiguity: Homosexual Spies and International Intrigue in Fascist Italy.” The Space Between: Literature and Culture 1914-1945. Volume 13, 2017 | “International Intrigue: Plotting Espionage as Cultural Artifact.” URL: http://scalar.usc.edu/works/the-space-between-literature-and-culture-1914-1945/vol13_2017_carnaghi
  • Silvio Trentin e il contributo della Resistenza al progetto di costruzione europea (“Silvio Trentin and the contribution of the Resistance to the European Union project”) in Fulvio Cortese (ed.). Liberare e Federare: l’eredità intellettuale di Silvio Trentin (“Liberate and Federate: The intellectual heritage of Silvio Trentin”). Florence: Firenze University Press, 2016: 241-252.
  • Virginia d’Albert-Lake, une américaine dans la Résistance. Aspects internationaux et rôle des femmes dans les réseaux(“Virginia d’Albert-Lake, an American in the Resistance. International aspects and women’s role in the networks”). Bulletin de l’Institut Pierre Renouvin 1/ 2014 (N° 39): 113-127. URL: https://www.cairn.info/revue-bulletin-de-l-institut-pierre-renouvin1-2014-1-page-113.htm
  • Silvio Trentin, un fédéraliste en guerre contre le fascisme (“Silvio Trentin, a federalist at war with fascism”). Bulletin de l’Institut Pierre Renouvin 1/ 2013 (N° 37): 121-132. URL: https://www.cairn.info/revue-bulletin-de-l-institut-pierre-renouvin1-2013-1-page-121.htm
  • Argante Bocchio. Una storia del Novecento (“Argante Bocchio. A story of the Twentieth Century”). l’impegno, year XXXI, new series, n. 2, December 2011: 43-65.

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