
CARUSO Amerigo




  • »Blut und Eisen auch im Innern«. Soziale Konflikte, Massenpolitik und Gewalt in Deutschland vor 1914, Frankfurt a.M. 2021.
  • „Identity containers“ in nineteenth-century Italy and Germany: an introduction, in: Journal of Modern Italian Studies 25/4 (2020), S. 361–371 [DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/1354571X.2020.1794373].
  • Nineteenth-Century Italy and Germany beyond National History, in: Martin Baumeister et al (Hg.), Rethinking the Age of Emancipation. Comparative and Transnational Perspectives on Gender, Family, and Religion in Italy and Germany, 1800-1918, Oxford-New York 2020, S. 35–57.
  • Joining Forces against ‘Strike Terrorism’: The Public-Private Interplay in Policing Strikes in Imperial Germany, 1890–1914, in: European History Quarterly 49/4 (2019), S. 597–624[DOI https://doi.org/10.1177/0265691419864007].
  • Antifemminismo femminile? Il successo internazionale delle scrittrici Luise Hensel, Ida Hahn e Marie Nathusius nella seconda metà dell’Ottocento, in: Contemporanea 22/4 (2019), S. 503–529.
  • In Medio Stat Virtus? The Adaptability of the Moderate Project of Politics in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Europe (1830-1870), in: Ido de Haan und Matthijs Lok (Hg.), The Politics of Moderation in modern European history (=Palgrave Studies in Political History), Basingstoke 2019, S. 109–127.
  • More than just Fashionable Concepts? Risk, Security and Resilience in Modern History, in: International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity 7 (2019), S. 301–320, [URL history-culture-modernity.org/articles/10.18352/hcm.514/].
  • Le monarchie tedesche nel lungo Ottocento. Un’analisi comparata partendo dai casi di Sassonia e Württemberg, in: Storia e Politica. Annali della Fondazione Ugo La Malfa XXXIII (2018), S. 194–217.
  • Pragmatismo e progresso. La transizione dei concetti alla base del discorso politico in Europa tra Juste milieu e Realpolitik (1830–1860), in: Contemporanea 3/2017, S. 351–378.
  • Nationalstaat als Telos? Der konservative Diskurs in Preußen und Sardinien-Piemont 1840–1870 (=Elitenwandel in der Moderne 20), Berlin/Boston 2017.
  • Resilient in Adversity. The Monarchical State in Prussia and Sardinia-Piedmont,1847–51, in: Milinda Banerjee et al (Hg.), Transnational Histories of the Royal Nation (=Palgrave Studies in Modern Monarchy), Basingstoke 2017, S. 45–66.