I graduated with a BA (cum laude) in History from the University of Siena, from where I also obtained a MA in Historical Studies (cum laude). My work focuses on the history of European welfare states, women’s organisations, and labour in Italy and Europe within economic, political, and social perspectives. I completed a visiting research period at the University of London (Birkbeck College), an advanced course in Social Policy at Sciences Po, and a research training at the Institute for Historical Research (London). I participated in conferences and seminars, presenting original research on women’s associations and developments in the welfare state, women’s labour, technological innovation in social policy administration. I published several book reviews and two articles related to my research interests. In June 2024 I earned a Ph.D. in Modern and Contemporary History from the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ (Excellent cum laude) completing a funded thesis on the economic and political roles of the National Institute of Social Insurance (INPS) between 1958 and 1969. I was a postdoctoral fellow at the German Historical Institute in Rome, where I worked on a funded project related to my PhD thesis. I am currently an assistant researcher at the University of Catania.
Articoli in Rivista:
Santoro, Michele (2024), Women’s participation and social demands in the Italian 1960s: the case study of the National Council of Italian Women, «Women’s History Review», 33 (3), pp. 374-390.
Santoro, Michele (2022), Il Sistema pensionistico italiano nel quadro del Welfare italiano. Una rassegna di studi recenti, «Italia Contemporanea», n. 300, pp. 271-288.