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    Vivere la guerra. Pensare la pace (1914-1921​). Le esperienze delle donne, il pensiero femminista e le relazioni internazionali

    26/11/2014 - 28/11/2014

    DEP. Deportate esuli, profughe. Rivista telematica sulla memoria femminile

    Venezia, 26-28 novembre 2014/Venice, 26-28 November 2014

    Vivere la guerra. Pensare la pace (1914-1921)
    Le esperienze delle donne, il pensiero femminista e le relazioni internazionali

    Living war. Thinking peace (1914-1921)
    Women’s experiences, feminist thought and international relations


    Mercoledì 26 novembre/Wednesday 26th November
    14.30-21 Auditorium Santa Margherita

    14.30-15 Presentazione e saluti/Welcome
    Bruna Bianchi-Geraldine Ludbrook
    Michele Bugliesi, Rettore dell’Università Ca’ Foscari
    Anna Cardinaletti, Direttrice del Dipartimento di Studi linguistici e culturali comparati

    Vivere la guerra/Living war
    Chair: Geraldine Ludbrook

    15-15.30 Giovanna Procacci (Università di Modena), Le donne nelle manifestazioni popolari contro la guerra in Italia (Women in popular demonstrations against the war in Italy)

    15.30-16 Carol Acton (University of Waterloo, Ontario), “I saw them die”: First World War Nursing Accounts and the Politics of Injury

    16-16.20 Pausa caffè/ Coffee break

    16.20-16.50 Liubov Zhvanko (Beketov National University of Kharkiv), World War I and a Woman-refugee: In Arms of Sorrow and Fear

    16.50-17.20 Elena Dundovich (Università di Firenze) In fuga dalla rivoluzione bolscevica. L’esperienza di Irene Nemirovski (Fleeing the Bolshevik revolution. The experience of Irene Nemirovski)

    17.20-17.50 Matteo Ermacora (Università di Venezia, DEP), Nella tempesta. L’esperienza femminile durante l’occupazione del Veneto 1917-1918 (Inside the storm. The experiences of women during the occupation of Veneto 1917-1918)

    17.50-19.30 Dibattito/Discussion

    19.30-21 Buffet dinner

    Giovedì 27 Novembre/Thursday 27th November
    9-13 Aula Baratto

    Le voci delle donne/Women’s Voices
    Chair: Daniela Ciani

    9-9.30 Teresa Fava Thomas (Fitchburg State University), Occupation, Hunger, and Disease: The Great War as Experienced by the Women of the Grava Family in Revine Lago, Italy, and in America

    9.30-10 Catia Papa (Università della Tuscia), Lettere alla Regina: voci e vissuti delle italiane in guerra (1914-1918) (Letters to the Queen: Voices and experiences of Italian women during the war (1914-1918))

    10-10.30 Bruna Bianchi (Università di Venezia, DEP), “Quella strage degli innocenti ci ha ossessionato per anni”. Testimonianze femminili della fame nell’Europa Centrale. (“That massacre of the innocents has haunted us for years”. Women witnesses of hunger in Central Europe)

    10.30-10.50 Pausa caffè/ Coffee break

    10.50-11.20 Marisa Sestito (Università di Udine), The lady and the soldier: Mrs. Dalloway and the Great War

    11.20-11.50 Donna Coates (University of Calgary), De-Militarizing a Military Culture: Brenda Walker’s The Wing of Night

    11.50-13 Dibattito/Discussion

    13-15 Buffet lunch

    Giovedì 27 novembre/Thursday 27th November
    15-19.30 Aula Baratto

    Pacifiste/Women pacifists
    Chair: Bruna Bianchi

    15-15.30 Laurie Cohen (University of Innsbruck), “Fighting for Peace Amidst Paralyzed Popular Opinion”: Bertha von Suttner’s and Rosa Mayreder’s Pacifist-Feminist Insights on Gender, War and Peace

    15.30-16 Maria Grazia Suriano (Università di Venezia, DEP), The First Italian Section of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (1915-1922)

    16-16.30 Dagmar Wernitznig (University of Oxford), Living Peace, Thinking Equality: Rosika Schwimmer’s (1877–1948) War on War

    16.30-16.50 Pausa caffè/Coffee break

    16.50-17.20 Deborah Thom (Robinson College, Cambridge), Feminism, socialism and organizing among women in the First World War in Britain

    17.20-17.50 Amy Beth Aronson (Fordham University New York), “Pacifist Revolutionary”: Crystal Eastman, the Dilemmas of Intersectionalism, and the Struggle for World Peace

    17.50-18.20 Dario Fazzi (Roosevelt Study Center, Middelburg), Eleanor Roosevelt as a Modern Pacifist Leader: Pragmatism, and Political Efficacy in Interwar America

    18.20-19.30 Dibattito/Discussion

    Venerdì 28 novembre/Friday 28th November
    9-13.30 Aula Baratto

    L’attivismo. Gli anni di guerra/Activism during the war
    Chair: Maria Grazia Suriano

    9-9.30 Ingrid Sharp (University of Leeds), Letting Our Hearts Speak: Love as Moral Imperative and Anti-war Strategy in the International Women’s Movement 1914-1919

    9.30-10 Brigitte Rath (Vienna University), “Do women want war or peace?” Female Peace Activists in First World War Austria

    10-10.30 Elena Bignami (Università di Bologna), Le anarchiche italiane di fronte alla Grande Guerra (Italian anarchist women and the Great War)

    10.30-10.50 Pausa caffè/Coffee break

    10.50-11.20 Marie-Michèle Doucet (Université de Montréal), Helping the German Children: French humanitarian aid and Franco-German reconciliation after the Great War (1919-1921)

    11.20-11.50 Augusta Molinari (Università di Genova), Esperienze ed ambiguità di un pacifismo di genere. La mobilitazione femminile come pratica di assistenza. Il caso italiano (Experiences and ambiguities of gendered pacifism. The mobilization of women as a practice of assistance. The Italian case.)

    11.50-12.20 Francesco Scomazzon (Centro di storia della Svizzera “Bruno Caizzi”), Donne di pace? Pensiero e azione dell’Unione Femminile Nazionale in tempo di guerra (Women of Peace? Thought and action of the National Union of Women in wartime)

    12.20-13.30 Dibattito/Discussion

    13.30-15.30 Buffet lunch

    Venerdì 28 novembre/Friday 28th November
    15.30-19 Aula Baratto

    L’attivismo. Il dopoguerra/Activism after the war
    Chair: Matteo Ermacora

    15.30-16 Rebecca Shriver (Florida State University), Unwelcome Voices: War, Gender, and Feminist Pacifists in Weimar Politics

    16-16.30 Angelique Leszczawski-Schwerk (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), “War as beginning of a new era?” Polish Feminists Thoughts, Reflections on Peace and their Visions about the Post War Era (1914-1921)

    16.30-16.50 Pausa caffè/Coffee break

    16.50-17.20 Vesela Tutavac (Intitut für Slawistik, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt), Women in the “old Yugoslavia”: Organizations and Activism during the Interwar Era

    17.20-17.50 Renata Jambrešić Kirin (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb), A Women’s History of World War One in Croatian (Post)Socialist Cultural Memory

    17.50-18.20 Catia Cecilia Confortini (Wellesley College), The Post-War Moment: Transnational Feminist Praxis in the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom in the Aftermath of the Second World War

    18.20-19.30 Dibattito/Discussion


    Categoria Evento:


    Bruna Bianchi